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About the 2Tokens Movement
Orchestrating the Token Economy
Realising the potential
2Tokens is a non for profit foundation that formulates a guide, as part of a larger vision, for any type of organization which wants to leverage blockchain and tokenization. It is the aim to come to a shared understanding on the token economy and, as such, it is a public interest initiative supported by a diverse community of technology companies, policy makers, financial advisors, banks, legal & regulatory experts and academia. Another aspect of this vision is the educational aspect that is embedded in the 2Tokens foundation. Through the development of blockchain and token use-case, the creation of webinars & podcasts, and the documentation of our activities, we increase the blockchain and token knowledge base of both our participants and interested people and organizations.
Tokens have been around since antiquity, but thanks to emerging technologies such as blockchain, the cost of exchanging tokens have reduced dramatically. In addition, tokens are programmable, which means that you can incorporate certain rules within the token that automatically apply. This will significantly change how businesses are run.
Tokens offer us the chance to rethink collaboration across society as a whole, from businesses to governments and citizens. With tokens, value transactions become immutable, verifiable, and traceable without the need for an intermediary, while significantly increasing efficiency and effectiveness.
The potential for blockchain and tokenization to disrupt existing interactions is huge, offering more efficient solutions to existing paradigms (such as stocks or legal entities) while also dramatically reducing the costs to entry (such as crowdfunding). In addition, until today, real estate, collectibles and art have been perceived as illiquid, but with the advent of tokens, this will drastically change. When such assets are tokenized and sold across the globe, they have the potential to become highly liquid. That would result in an influx of liquid assets (trillions of euros) that could significantly change global markets.
What are the challenges and opportunities of Tokenization?
The Netherlands is well-positioned to play a leading role in this transition: a culture of consensus decision-making, solid legal institutions, large enough to matter but not too large, and, importantly, a trusted government and a trusted role on the world stage (The Hague).
Competition is increasing as major (France and Germany) and smaller (Estonia and Liechtenstein) jurisdictions actively target being the tokenization epicenter of the future. By their nature, token projects have an extensive network effect built-in. There will be a significant first-mover advantage, which means The Netherlands has to act quickly not to lose out.
The path forward requires careful consideration and focused efforts. As always with innovation, the legal and regulatory environment needs to adapt to the new realities – ensuring sufficient oversight while allowing the realization of opportunities from blockchain and tokenization. Not an easy challenge as centuries-old law, practices, norms & concepts need to adapt to a rapidly evolving space.Why 2Tokens?
The ultimate deliverable of 2Tokens is a set of clear rules and guidelines on how to deal with blockchain and tokenization. The journey starts with identifying and hopefully clarifying the challenges we need to solve in the coming months. Together with relevant industry partners, we aim to achieve a common perspective and understanding of the benefits for The Netherlands. With that, we want to inspire change.
We understand that to achieve widely supported token regulation; we have to raise awareness, stimulate discussions and bring together knowledge and expertise. Allowing us to reduce the barriers to the adoption of blockchain and tokenization and help realize the broader societal benefits.
Re-imagine your business
How decentralized ecosystems will change business models
New business models
Imagine being able to transfer value or prevent contractual disputes over the Internet - without going through a third party. Confidently. Securely. Almost instantly. Blockchain-based technology will revolutionize business practices as we know them. Blockchain will change how traditional digital services are provided across all public sectors, industries, and services globally. We help you implement Blockchain-enabled services for startups, scale-up, and established companies cooperating in a stakeholder ecosystem. The Blockchain developments are central in our model, linking all our services. We strive for deep knowledge and understanding of the application of Blockchain and the underlying technologies that move industries.
Enter the blockchain. Already established as the core component of the digital currency Bitcoin, the blockchain is capturing imaginations across industries. And it’s coming to catch you soon. What could be the impact? Best described as a virtual ledger, blockchains have massive potential, according to one port IT specialist. “Everyone in the supply chain should be watching this carefully. The Internet of Things is a massively disruptive technology, but blockchains go beyond that. The move from the Internet to the blockchain is like looking at the move from Telex to the Internet.”
Blockchain adoption
We aim to support corporations worldwide to adopt blockchain-related technologies in different vertical applications by using Blockchain as a Service infrastructure. It is our mission to drive the adoption of blockchain applications within various vertical industries. The emphasis lies on utilizing and contributing to existing solutions, standards, and initiatives to ensure that industry needs and requirements are optimally addressed in member products.
If we would like to benefit from this technology's opportunities, we need to embrace it. In 2018, the book "Blockchange" launched, placing the advent of Blockchain in today's society and how it will change business models. With original metaphors and a clear, cheerful way of writing, Redmer Huizinga and professor Arturo Bris discuss how Blockchain could change our (economic) world and invite us to reflect on the approaching blockchain revolution. Click here to find out more about this book and how to order it.
The industry is looking for greater transparency, a faster flow of data, a faster flow of goods, streamlined operations, and more efficiency. It needs all parties to share and entrust each other with more information. Those involved want to be confident that documents and certificates haven’t been tampered with and are legitimate.
Consumers want to know that the clothes they buy are genuine and not made by child labor. They want to see if they are eating beef or horse. They might even like to know where and when the fish was caught they just bought in the supermarket.
Blockchain technology will disrupt existing business processes and business models by introducing new business models and new ways of delivering services, which will change our society as a whole. Blockchain at the core is a social innovation that gives individuals more freedom because they are less dependent on intermediaries, government, and companies
© 2025 all rights reserved by 2Tokens foundation