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- Publications
Welcome to the 2Tokens Podcast!
Listen to the latest episode on our various platforms
Recorded with experts from our community
De Toekomst van Blockchain: Regulering en Innovatie (Dutch)
In deze aflevering duiken Victor van der Hulst en onze eigen Alex Bausch diep in de vooruitgang en de toepassingen van blockchain technologie in de moderne digitale economie. Victor, een vooraanstaand expert op dit gebied, deelt zijn waardevolle inzichten en ervaringen met ons.
Military-Grade Security for Digital Assets: A Chat with NiftyOne
In this episode, Jonny Fry (co-founder of TEAM BLOCKCHAIN) and David Parsons (founder of NiftyOne) discuss the challenges and solutions related to storing and managing digital assets, especially with the rise of central bank digital currencies (CBDCs) and stablecoins. Together they highlight how, in the past, banks managed physical assets and accounts, but with digital assets, individuals now bear the responsibility of managing their own assets, which requires reliable hardware and software.
Innovatie in de Energiesector: Inzichten van de Synergy Hackathon (Dutch)
In deze aflevering bespreken Arash Aazami, oprichter van Unify.Energy en co-founder van de Synergy Hackathon, Mirjam Langenhuijsen Davidson en Michiel Sintenie hun rollen en verwachtingen tijdens de hackathon. Het evenement richt zich op systeeminnovatie in de energiesector, met 170 deelnemers die 48 uur samenwerken.
5 years of token knowledge dissemination can be found here.
Delivered at the Roundtables in Amsterdam May 10th 2023
Philipp Sandner
The emerging European token economy
Daniel Coheur
The role of Token standards
Marleen Evertsz
How tokenization is put to work in Next Generation Capital
Jonny Fry
The state of tokenization in Europe
sessions are recorded before a live studio audience
Digital Notary update
November 4th, 2021
Digital Notary is looking at how to digitize every step from setting up your company (BV) to creating a shareholders register. This will allow for new ways of owning companies, speed up current incorporation practices, and make community funding and co-ownership easier. In this session the working group gives an update of the work done so far.
Invoice Market update
November 11th, 2021
The team is looking at a solution to improve the liquidity for small to medium-sized enterprises by allowing them to tokenise their receivables and thereby speeding up cash flow with an invoice marketplace. This will ultimately allow the companies to better finance working capital. In this session an update of market potential, legal and regulatory a.o. is given.
Energy Token update
November 25th, 2021
Since the start in May, the team has made great progress defining the value system of a shared solar asset and what can be tokenised. Besides sharing in the energy off-take other value such as Carbon offset may be tokenised also. The consortium members are now preparing a live system in a MVP with 9 panels. The team announces the legal review and other news.
We've got a top notch team!
Holland Fintech
January 20th, 2021
Holland FinTech with the Dutch Association of Banks (NVB) focus on banking strategies and applications.
Invoice Market
April 12th, 2021
Arnout and Igor Curic of ABNAMRO present invoice marketg use case together with Digital Asset and Crowdz
Energy Token
May 7th, 2021
Jos Röling, Meindert Jansberg (Catena) and Leon-Gerard Vandenberg (Sunified) discuss how to tokenise Energy.
Digital Notary
May 27th, 2021
Quintus Willemse, Marleen Evertz and Olivier Rikken discuss tokenising shares and how this will simplify employee participation.
Non Fungible Tokens
June 8th, 2021
Jelle Pol, founder and CEO of Dusk Network explains what are NFT's as part of the Holland Fintech and 2Tokens session.
An all day online session from the studio in AmsterdamDeep dive: Token Roadmap
October 8th
This deep-dive will explain all the ins and outs of how to classify your token and how to use the Token Roadmap.
Deep dive: Financial markets
October 8th
In this deep-dive, we will take a closer look at the state of tokenization in Europe's financial markets.
The Summit - MiCA
October 8th
Introduction to tokenisation and how this relates to proposed (EU) MiCA regulation.
The Summit - Roadmap
October 8th
Findings, lessons learned and the presenting the first iteration of the Token Roadmap.
The Summit - Panel
October 8th
Panel discussion, the impact of COVID-19 on the economy and how tokenisation can help.
The Summit - Road Ahead
October 8th
The Road Ahead - what's next for the Electronic Bill of Lading, Next Gen Capital and more.
The Summit - Closing
October 8th
The future of tokenisation.
Financing Hightech for a sustainable future through tokenisation
Interview Marleen Evertsz -
Team captain NGC
16th of July, 2020
Marleen Evertsz (NxChange), explain what the Next Generation Capital use-case is.
Webinar - Introduction to Next Generation Capital
23rd of July, 2020
In this webinar, an introduction of the tokenized vertical fund will be given.
Masterclass #1 - Regulation & Token Economics
13th of August
This masterclass about NGC discusses how to be innovative in the capital markets and how we can benefit from our regulatory framework.
Masterclass #2 - Legal Structures & STOs
20th of August
Main topic of this masterclass is the ingenious legal framework of the verticals.
Masterclass #3 - Investor readiness
27th of August
We discussed the subject of Investor Readiness with Guus Frericks (Founder HighTechXL), Meindert Jansberg (MD Catena Group), Marleen Evertsz (CEO Nxchange) and Alex Bausch (Chairman 2Tokens).
Masterclass #5 - Program Management
24th of September
The program manager is providing expertise and services as a venture builder and/or accelerator by selecting, coaching and monitoring ventures to develop and/or accelerate (initial) business ideas into successful ventures.
Propel global trade through tokenisation
Interview Aljosja Beije -
Team Captain e-BL
16th of July
Webinar e-BL
Electronic Bill-of-Lading
8th of September
Learn more about the state of tokenization via these interviews with these token leaders
Dan Liebau
Lightbulb Capital
16th of May 2020
Ron Resnick
InterWork Alliance
26th of June 2020
Olivier Rikken
Head of Research
27th of May 2020
Simon Lelieveldt
Mark Rijmenam
16th of May 2020
Marley Gray
InterWork Alliance
26th of June 2020
Archives - Library
Recorded webinars, interviews and masterclasses
What's next for Tokenization
Amsterdam, Jun 16th.
Introducing the 2Tokens Studio Sessions
Amsterdam, June 16th.
Globalisation, laws, and tokenization
Singapore, 4th of June
the 2Tokens Use-cases
Amsterdam, June 9th.
Round table #3 - Clarifying the path to Token Finance
Amsterdam, Feb 11th.
Round table #1 - Challenges & Opportunities of Tokenization.
The Hague, Nov 6th.
TWO Token (TWO)
Learn more about the state of tokenization via these interviews with these token leaders
Announcing TWO
Creating a Token
Amsterdam, 9th of June
Interview Jelle Pol
Team captain TWO
Amsterdam, 6th of June
Webinar TWO
Creating a utility token
Amsterdam, 16th of June
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