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March 29, 2024
Free for Partners & Fellows
The carbon impact made transparent and traceable
using tokens and product passports
The 2Tokens Carbon Token working groups objective is designing, developing and implementing a carbon token standard that facilitates the efficient and transparent trading and transferring of carbon related assets. The token will contribute to acceptance and use of carbon related assets in both an industrial (corporate) and a household setting.
The project will convincingly demonstrate the relevance of asset backed tokenization for the provision, distribution and use in accounting & reporting of carbon tokens, by developing and promoting a working and sustainable solution in conceptual, organizational, technical and commercial terms that benefit those that have a large carbon footprint and those who contribute most to mitigating global warming potential. During this morning session you are introduced to several relevant projects, their status, challenges and opportunities. We talk about the perspective of the startup, the large corporate, the supporting infrastructure and the legal perspective.
Since tokens do not know of any borders and carbon offsets often take place in remote areas that are more difficult to control, transparency and governance are key to the trustworthiness of tokenization. We will guide you through challenges and solutions, along pitfalls and fast lanes.
Location: Provinciehuis Zuid-Holland, The Hague
Date: March 29, 2024
Participants: Max. 25. Selected audience.
Professionals in the field of energy and tokenization.
Time: 09:30 - 12:30, including Easter lunch
Costs: Free for fellows* & partners
*click the yellow button below and learn how to become a fellow
During this morning session you are introduced to several relevant projects, their status, challenges and opportunities. We talk about the perspective of the startup, the large corporate, the supporting infrastructure and the legal perspective. Since tokens do not know of any borders and carbon offsets often take place in remote areas that are more difficult to control, transparency and governance are key to the trustworthiness of tokenization. We will guide you through challenges and solutions, along pitfalls and fast lanes. If you wish to have your case featured, please reach out to iris@2tokens.org.
The goal of a carbon token is to create economic incentives for reducing greenhouse gas emissions and combating climate change. Product Passports trace the origins of Carbon Emissions and captures those in tokens. However, there are several concerns and criticisms associated with the concept of carbon tokens:
Lack of Additionality
Lack of Transparency:
Insufficient Reductions
Inequitable Distribution:
Our first speaker, will take you through the opportunities and challenges of tokenization of the voluntary carbon market.
Collecting accurate carbon footprint data
By Jordi de Vos, Co-Founder of Circularise
With our technology, companies can trace products and materials to verify their origins, certificates, CO2, and other material data. Our mission is to enable a circular economy. Circularise enables supply chain actors to share sensitive data without risking privacy and confidentiality.
Reducing sustainability fraud with Product Passports
By Hania Othman - Hedera Guardian (TBC)
The Hedera Guardian is an open-source platform that leverages the Hedera public distributed ledger network to enable methodologies to be created and dMRV (Digital Measurement, Reporting, and Verification) to become a reality. By acting as the guard rails for the rulesets in carbon markets, emissions, accounting, and biodiversity the Hedera Guardian provides auditable, traceable, and reproducible records that document the process and lifecycle of environmental assets, which reduces fraud in sustainability markets.
A prototype for a carbon tracking system
By Alexander Enthoven - Kryha.io
Rebel Group and Kryha developed a Carbon Tracking System (CTS) prototype, commissioned by RVO and the Topsector Energie programma Digitalisering in collaboration with Unilever. Aimed at enabling organizations to support sustainable carbon use and calculate scope3-emissions, this initiative is detailed in the report.
New Nature Economy
By Sven Jense - Climate Cleanup
In collaboration with ASN Bank and additional partners, we lead the way in carbon removal accounting, fostering the fundamental conditions for distributed growth in the emerging New Nature Economy. More info at climatecleanup.org.
Table Discussions:
- European Law, Regulatory and Compliance
- Carbon Markets and Trading, Provenance, Validity
- Preventing Green washing, traceability, governance & reporting
- European Law, Regulatory and Compliance
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