On October 8, 2Tokens will present the findings and recommendations for token financing in the Netherlands during an online summit. The interactive 2Tokens roadmap will also be presented where companies and institutions can go if they have questions about the token economy.
In the past 1.5 years, the 2Tokens foundation has worked hard to realize various tokenization projects in the Netherlands. This was done in collaboration with various parties, including banks, ministries, companies and institutions. By means of round table sessions, working groups and webinars, 2Tokens has put the technology around tokenization into practice and shared it with the world. The success of the use cases and the round table sessions provides insight into the potential and possibilities for this technology in the Netherlands and Europe.
“As a bank, we are an essential part of the financial ecosystem. 2Tokens helps us to explore and experience the emerging possibilities of tokenization. At ABN AMRO Group Innovation, we will be actively developing use cases in the near future ”
Martijn Siebrand
Ecosystem Manager Digital Assets ABN AMRO Group Innovation
Although the use of tokens dates back to ancient times, new technology, such as blockchain, increases the potential of tokens. Token technology offers more efficient digital solutions for, among other things, existing financing methods (e.g. crowdfunding, fractional ownership) and the emergence of completely new models for financing and partnerships. Because tokens are also programmable, it provides new opportunities for companies to be more flexible with regard to ownership, voting rights, dividends, and financing.
"As Rabobank we see a wide range of applications for tokenization. You could for example divide a real estate object or a start-up in really small pieces. With this innovative form of micro-investment, you could for example actually be owning multiple small pieces of agricultural real estate starting at a young age."
Djuri Baars
Lead blockchain team, Rabobank
Different speakers will be presenting at the summit. For example, there will be a part about the findings and recommendations for the use of tokens in Europe and how this relates to the proposed MiCA regulation. In addition, the interactive Roadmap (a guideline for the use of tokens in the Netherlands) will be presented as well as several use cases for tokenization. Everyone who is interested can participate by registering at the 2Tokens-website.
2Tokens highlights the path to Tokenization in the Netherlands. The mission of 2Tokens is to provide an interactive roadmap with the aim of creating clarity about token financing. That's why we're a public organization backed by a diverse community made up of technology companies, policymakers, financial advisors, banks, and legal experts and academics. The project is sponsored by the European Union and started from a collaboration between Innovation Quarter, BLOCKLAB (Port of Rotterdam), YES!Delft (Delft University of Technology), and LIFT-OFF (Open Data Economy) with the support of Erasmus University Rotterdam, the government Ministry of Economic Affairs, and various industry players. Among the many partners working with 2Tokens are companies such as Rabobank, ABNAMRO Bank, NxChange, CMS, Dusk Network, EuropeChain, WatsonLaw, DataFloq and the Dutch Blockchain Coalition. The ambition of 2Tokens is to create awareness in society, stimulate relevant discussions, and bring together knowledge / expertise in order to reduce the barriers to tokenization and realize the social benefits.