The Dutch Blockchain Coalition (DBC) joins the 2Tokens project and supports the development of a roadmap to token financing and the creation of awareness about tokenization. Peter Verkoulen, Coalition Manager at DBC, has joined the Advisory Board and supports the 2Tokens project with his knowledge and expertise.
“Tokenization makes it possible to look at transfer of value in a completely different way and is not limited to financial transactions. This makes the scope of tokenization much broader than just cryptocurrencies, which adds to the relevance for the DBC. We are therefore happy to join the 2Tokens project.” - Peter Verkoulen, Coalition Manager, Dutch Blockchain Coalition
A variety of technologies are deployed worldwide to address the corona pandemic, ranging from video conferencing to mobile apps that allow governments to track the virus - to digital credit coupons. Alternative forms of (token) financing are also being investigated to help companies through the crisis. The 2Tokens project aims to gain insight into how the Netherlands should deal with tokenization. Surrounding countries, such as Germany and France, have meanwhile formulated a strategy on this topic and announced laws and regulations. The Netherlands is well positioned to play a leading role in the transition to decentralization, but the challenges are diverse.
“Tokenization will transform our economy in the same way that equity and stock markets did in the 17th century. Token technology not only affects the financial markets but also how we in society work together in digital environments and share value with each other.” - Alex Bausch, Project leader, 2Tokens
The use of tokens in society goes back to ancient times, but with technologies like blockchain, the costs of secure and reliable value transactions can be drastically reduced. The potential of the token economy is enormous - partly due to more efficient digital solutions for existing financing methods and the emergence of entirely new models for financing and forms of cooperation.
The project started in November 2019 with a series of round table discussions, discussing the challenges and opportunities surrounding tokens with specialists from different sectors. The results and recommendations of these sessions will be incorporated in the final Token Financing Roadmap. In phase two, tokenization use cases are developed with companies from the port of Rotterdam and the Amsterdam South Axis. Different working groups consisting of lawyers, economists and blockchain specialists will investigate and document the various aspects of token financing. This should provide insight into where the current barriers to tokenization lie, but also what the added value is for society.
About Dutch Blockchain Coalition (DBC)
The Dutch Blockchain Coalition (DBC) is a collaboration between partners from the government, knowledge institutions and the business community. The DBC's mission is to promote reliable, robust and socially accepted blockchain applications, to create the best possible conditions for blockchain applications to emerge and to use blockchain as a source of trust, well-being, prosperity and security for citizens, companies, institutions and governments. The DBC is mainly a catalyst and a facilitator in this respect, which activates and connects an extensive public-private network.

About 2Tokens
The 2Tokens project highlights the path to Tokenization in the Netherlands. The delivery of the project is a clear roadmap to realize value from tokens for the BV Netherlands. The goal is to create clarity about token financing. That is why we are a public organization supported by a diverse community, consisting of technology companies, policy makers, financial advisors, banks, and legal experts and academics. The project is sponsored by the European Union and is a collaboration between Blocklab (Port of Rotterdam), YES! Delft (Incubator, Delft University of Technology), and LIFT-OFF (Open Data Economy) with the support of Erasmus University Rotterdam, Techleap, government, and various industry players. The ambition of 2Tokens is to create awareness in society, stimulate relevant discussions, and bring together knowledge / expertise in order to reduce the barriers to tokenization and realize the social benefits.

Note for editors
For more information, please contact:
Alex Bausch
M: 06 53 997 790
Peter Verkoulen